My curiosity about Greece continued when I chose the name Parthenon a symbol of wisdom & knowledge. I liked that it was considered the birthplace of democracy (and that the goddess Athena, which the Parthenon was dedicated to, was the helper of heroes). Following are two of my favorite photos, one of the Acropolis (right) where the Parthenon stands in Athens and one of Ephesus in Turkey (below).
I encourage you to look back to history as you navigate the changing tides of career or life navigation. I ask everyone to think for a moment about their contribution as it relates to creating new industries, new ideas and new approaches right now....When I saw these beautiful buildings created long ago in Ancient Greece, I saw right before my eyes that inspiration & manpower combined can go a very long way....
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: Pick a favorite place and time in history and research its meaning, its inventions and its people. Figure out how to apply that as inspiration to your current career or life changing pursuits. As a history major, I remember reading Harry Truman said "The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know."
Have a history filled week,